Product Summary

The D70008AC-8 is a power saving, high performance, general purpose 8-bit microprocessor. It is a CMOS-process part with a standby mode that greatly reduces power consumption.


D70008AC-8 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Power supply voltage VDD: -0.3 to +7V; (2)Input voltage VIN: -0.3 to VDD+0.3V; (3)Output voltage VO: -0.3 to VDD+0.3V; (4)Operating temperature TOPT: -45 to +85℃; (5)Storage temperature TSTG: -65 to +150℃.


D70008AC-8 features: 1)High performance μPD780 instruction set; (2)Instruction cycle: 1μs at 4MHz; 0.66μs at 6MHz; (3)Direct addressing of up to 64K bytes of memory; (4)Memory refresh function; (5)Interrupt function: maskable external interrupt(INT); Nonmaskable external interrupt(NMI); (6)Low-power standby mode; (7)CMOS standby mode; (8)Single power supply.


D70008AC-8 block diagram